Join us for the 2024 holiday decorating contest! Participants are encouraged to decorate their homes to show their Christmas spirit. A map will be available showing participating homes so the public can explore all the holiday spirit on display. This event is hosted by the City of Gravette and prizes are sponsored by Legacy Bank.
RESIDENTIAL: Prizes will be awarded for 1st-$75, 2nd-$50, and Community Choice-$25 residential entries within the city limits of Gravette. Residences outside the city limits are more than welcome to participate and will be included on the map but will not be part of the judging process. Prizes are to be determined. Judging will take place on as to be determined date.
A map will be made available to the public showing the participating houses and the public will be encouraged to explore all of the holiday spirit on display.
There is no cost to participate.
Don't forget to submit your pick for the Community Choice Vote (only houses listed on the map can win)!
Decorating Contest Form

Community Choice Vote